Creamy Broccoli Kale Soup..oops

I LOVE grocery shopping. Call me weird, but I love gazing upon fresh fruits and vegetables, imagining what sorts of healthy recipes I can come up with. Today was grocery day!

My fridge is currently overflowing with food. Literally, I had a fight with my ONE vegetable drawer to get it closed (my fridge is small…thanks Manhattan). I have stuffing my fridge down to a science. ALL of the fruits and veggies are meticulously placed. The look like they are laying one on top of another like pieces of a Tetris game (woah blast from the past). Yes friends, I am a self proclaimed master.

I closed the door, supremely satisfied by my packing skills when…

oh no…it can’t be…. I LEFT SOMETHING OUT!!!

sitting alone and depressed on the counter was the poor Broccoli. I opened the fridge and realize that there was no freaking way that this bundle of green goodness was going to fit. The only solution: USE IT.

I decided to make a Broccoli and Kale soup in my vita mix.

Creamy Broccoli and Kale Soup

  • 2 heads of broccoli flowerettes (about 2 cups)
  • 1 large clove of garlic chopped (2 small)–BE CAREFUL not to add too much..more on this later
  • 1 cup coconut milk like SoDelicious brand (Skim or rice will work too–> I don’t know what almond milk tastes like so I cannot attest)
  • 1/4 medium onion chopped
  • 2 cups Kale
  • 1/4 cup parm. cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4-1/2 cup water (add more as needed)

Lightly steam broccoli and Kale. Transfer to blender (I used a Vitamix Blender). Add milk, water, onion, garlic, salt and pepper and cheese and blend on low. Slowly raise speed until all ingredients are totally mixed.

after the blend

after the blend


and then I tasted it… I USED WAYYY TOO much garlic! I may or may not have used 3 large cloves… bad idea.

With less garlic and a dollop of greek yogurt (a great substitute for sour cream), this soup would have been fantastic!

I didn’t throw it out though… I think that I’ll use it as a sauce to top veggies or fish…

I’ll keep ya posted!

Since the soup didn’t work out I enjoyed a gluten-free wrap pizza



Quick and Easy Gluten free Pizza

  • 1 gluten free wrap
  • 1/4 cup fat free pizza sauce
  • 1 low fat string cheese (like trader joes light or sargento)
  • Veggies (I used broccoli, mushroom, spinach and artichoke and fresh basil)
  • seasonings (red pepper flakes, garlic powder, pizza seasoning etc)

Pre heat oven to 350 degrees (depending on oven). If the wrap is frozen, microwave it for 15 seconds. Top with sauce, veggies and last the cheese. Bake for about 15 minutes or until veggies cook and edges of wrap is brown.

this is awesome because it’s gluten-free, little to no fat (No oil unlike a slice of pizza) and seriously portion controlled.


tomorrow I’m doing a super cool even with the Rockettes… I’ll fill you all in on it later!!!

xoxo Syn*

7 thoughts on “Creamy Broccoli Kale Soup..oops

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